PA "Mangistau Society for the Protection of Consumers' Rights"

Фото директора ОО МОО по ЗПП
Dear consumers!

Welcome to the website of the public association "Mangistau Society for the Protection of Consumers' Rights"!

Here you can get answers to the questions:
-who is a consumer, his rights and obligations;
-what to do if you are not satisfied with the quality of purchased goods or services provided;
-whether you can return to exchange a quality product;
-what products are non-refundable;
-how to resolve disputes relating to consumer protection;
-how to purchase a quality product;
-about the changes in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of consumer protection and more.

Association also provides legal services to both individuals and business entities on various points of law.

With a staff of certified professional mediator, we use in the methods of pre-trial settlement of disputes provided by applicable law of RK "On Mediation".

This method allows you to resolve disputes and conflicts in all spheres of public life, from the smallest unit of society - the family - to the most important on a national scale with the help of a professional mediator.

More than 16 years of practical experience of staff associations and professional knowledge in the field of consumer protection association allowed to restore the violated rights of consumers and give them back some 16 million tenge for substandard goods and services.

In addition, as a result of union protection of consumers' interests Aktau on municipal issues in 2009 monopolist LLP "MAEC-Kazatomprom" it was decided to return voluntarily to consumers 242 million tenge for undelivered energy.

Association also implements social projects on the orders of public authorities Mangistau region aimed at increasing legal literacy.

At the same time we are working closely with local representative, executive and other state bodies, as well as the media.
Constantly improving their work, we strive to ensure that you have access to information about the ways and means of realizing your rights granted to you by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

We work for you, to know your rights and responsibilities!

With respectfully,
President of the PA "MS for the P of CR"
Rafikova N. M. 

«    Март 2025    »